If you are on a free account, we synchronize the tasks overnight. Occasionally an error may occur, causing a delay.
If you have a Pro Account, you can choose when your destination tasks are executed. You can choose from a specific hour or even select every hour of every day.
Also, keep in mind that Pro Accounts also have Auto-Sync, a feature which, when enabled, when the following providers inform us that you have a new activity, we will automatically synchronize it.
If you are on a free account, FitnessSyncer will automatically synchronize every night or when you manually click Sync .
With a FitnessSyncer Pro account, you can schedule destination tasks to run when it is convenient for you or even have them run hourly.
FitnessSyncer Pro accounts also feature auto-sync on various services, including Fitbit, Garmin Connect, UnderAmour, MapMyFitness, iHealth, Misfit, Striiv, Omron, Strava, and others. With Auto-Sync, shortly after we receive the data, we will run your destination syncs. Any task scheduled to run hourly will not take advantage of this.
Note: Apple Health, Google Health Connect, and Samsung Health are a little different in this regard; please see their documentation for information.
The time it takes depends on various factors, including the sources and destinations involved, the amount of data involved, our services health, the source and destination service’s health, and various other factors.
The first sync will have a lot more data to process and therefore will generally take the longest. Subsequent synchronizations tend to be fast as there are very relatively few items to update.
Should your synchronization take in excess of two days and you are concerned about how long it is taking, feel free to reach out to us.
Please take a look at the table on our supported services which for each data type we support, we will indicate whether we can Read or Update that source. Update indicates that we can synchronize data to that location.
To configure this, add a new Source for what you are syncing from and add a new Sync Destination for the destination for each data type you wish to synchronize. Our Getting Started document describes it in more detail.
We attempt to publish all of the data which we have received on the initial sync of the service. If you do not see all of the data:
If you do not believe it is one of these or need help, contact us and we can look into this.
From the Stream, you can select items and edit metadata such as the activity type, comment, food, meal, measurement context, and similar fields. Other data may not be edited or modified in any way except by filtering or deleting. It should be noted that items within our Notebook can be edited and modified however you wish.
Because we do not modify data on the destinations, any data that was previously synchronized will not be updated with any edits you have done.
Once we have pushed data to a destination, it is final; we do not modify data on the destinations. If you delete the item in the destination then do a Reset, this should resolve this, but it is not recommended.
Steps are synchronized from various devices through our Activity Sources. Add a Source for your data and when you sync it, your steps will be pulled into FitnessSyncer.
It should be noted that generally steps are summarized data, meaning that accumulate all of your daily step data and daily metrics into a single item and will only upload it to other services once we see tomorrow’s data.
Heart rate data is also part of the Activity Source and works similar to steps. See the question just above about how to configure and how we handle this data.
RHR and HRV data comes with Activity Source and works similar to steps, and some sources will also provide it for Sleep Data. See the question just above about how to configure and how we handle this data.
Note: for synchronization, we only use the RHR from your daily summary Steps data.
Yes, within our nutrition source, we support hydration from various sources or within our Notebook.
We support temperature both in our Activities and Temperature sources. Our Temperature Source is more geared towards periodic temperatures and we prefer your body temperature during your run be part of your metadata for your actual run.
Our Body Composition Source is used for tracking weight and data from scales, including the Fitbit Aria, Garmin Index Smart Scale, Withings (Nokia Health) Body Scale, and others.
A1C data is part of our Glucose Source.
No, there currently is not an undo. You must manually delete items.
No, we do not modify or overwrite data. For Source Data, we only read the data and do nothing else with it. For destination data, we append new items to the service or, such as is the case with some systems and body composition, we will write very specific updates. Once an item is uploaded to the destination service, we do not make any modifications to it.
Our matching algorithm attempts to prevent duplicate data from being created. With certain activities on some providers, duplicates may occur. If it does occur on your account, please contact us so we can investigate the cause.
The best way to do this is to use an After Date filter, setting the date to the date where you want FitnessSyncer to start from. The best place to configure this filter is on the Destination Tasks to ensure that all of your sources are synchronized appropriately.
Some of the data we display may not be available to upload to certain providers. For example, many providers do not include step or calorie information, and for destinations, some APIs such as Strava’s do not accept all the parameters that they produce so that some information may be missing in those situations. If you are suspicious of missing data or incorrect data, please contact us and we will look into it.
We recommend that you start by looking at FitnessSyncer Stream and making first sure that the source data came in right. If there are discrepancies here, first diagnose these with some help of our Sources FAQ.
If the issue is that the time is off by a number of hours or a day, check your Time Zone preference under your Account Preferences.
Please review any source or destination specific FAQ as well. If none of these helped, please contact us.
Sync Queued means that either we are running something else on your behalf that may be taking some time or that it is not currently in progress because our system is busy doing other users’ tasks and will do this work in the priority order. Our Pro subscribers have priority access to our system.
Most tasks incremental tasks will be fairly quick, however, initial synchronizations of data can take a while, especially with certain services. Some of our service providers limit the number of requests we can do or the rate that we can do them, so we will make incremental progress towards the completion of your task as fast as we can.
For the following sources, we get notified whenever you sync or add a new activity on their end, and thus, the sync button usually does not find anything. If you are noticing delays or missing items, please contact us.
Sometimes there can be transient errors that can occur, such as maintenance on the remote service, network connectivity issues, or something of this nature. We would recommend that you try again later.
If the problem persists for over a day, please contact us.
iFit does not provide a supported API at this time, but you can export your data and import it into FitnessSyncer. Visit iFit and export your data, then use FitnessSyncer Uploader or one of our Cloud Providers to get those files into FitnessSyncer