FitnessSyncer can create or read your health and fitness information in a FIT, GPX, KML, KMZ, PWX, or TCX file format from Amazon S3, DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or even e-mail. This is the easiest way to import files, export data, or back up your data. Here is how you configure it:
All other settings are just like the Sources or Destinations.
Some services may produce a CSV which is a summary of an individual activity. For such services, you would use a Map configuration option. That said, some of the documentation for the CSV Configuration may be useful. Keep in mind that the extension for such files must be .csv.
For destination tasks, the CSV export here also can append existing files by selecting the Append File option. This helps create CSV files of your daily heart rate data into a monthly file. To configure one of these, ensure that you have the Append File option selected, use {year}-{month} as your filename, and filter out non-relevant sources or non-summary tasks.
To configure Amazon S3, place your Access Key into the username field, your Secret Key into the Password field, and for the path, use bucket/directory/file.
Yes, you can use /** at the end of your path to recursively read a directory.
This is the default behavior with Amazon S3 and you cannot disable it.
FitnessSyncer’s Dropbox integration does not work with Dropbox Teams as it is intended for personal usage. If you have questions on this, please contact us.