FitnessSyncer Uploader is an application you can install on your Windows or Mac computer to automatically upload your health and fitness information into FitnessSyncer and automatically uploaded into services like Strava. It is useful for devices such as Garmin’s, Timex, or Magellan, which store their data on your hard drive.
Getting started with FitnessSyncer Uploader is simple:
If you are using Two Factor Authentication (2FA), just enter it after your password.
Once saved, FitnessSyncer Uploader will automatically scan the directories and their subdirectories and upload the content to FitnessSyncer Notebook. You can see it in the Stream, Dashboard, or push it to another service using a Sync Destination Task.
If you have all your files in a Cloud Folder, consider using Amazon S3, DropBox, Google Drive, and OneDrive integrations.
If you just have a few of these files, you can upload them directly within FitnessSyncer Uploader by clicking the icon or using the FitnessSyncer App and using the Sources and Destination tab to upload files directly into your FitnessSyncer Notebook.
For FitnessSyncer Uploader for Windows, look in your home directory under: AppData\\Roaming\\FitnessSyncerUploader
For FitnessSyncer Uploader for Mac, look in your home directory under Documents/Library/FitnessSyncerUploader.