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  Samsung Health Integration

FitnessSyncer for Android in Samsung Health Configuration

Unlike most of our integrations, Samsung Health requires you to install our free FitnessSyncer for Android app, which, in addition to giving you quick mobile access to your dashboard and stream on the go, will also integrate Samsung Health with the FitnessSyncer Platform.

Once in FitnessSyncer for Android:

  • navigate to the Samsung Health section by tapping on the Samsung Health icon in the Sources and Destinations tab
  • select the types of data you wish to read or write from Samsung Health. As you change these access types, you may be asked to grant permissions to FitnessSyncer to read or write this data. As with our cloud offering, you must accept all requested permissions. The dialog that comes up from Samsung Health may require scrolling to accept all permissions.
  • Once the permissions are granted, you can then use the “Sync” button and start synchronizing the data with FitnessSyncer.

To use sources or destinations beyond Samsung Health, you can use the back button or swipe right to get to the Sources and Destinations page to add those.

You should note that while FitnessSyncer Pro users have no limits, free users are limited to the number of sources and destinations tasks they have within their account, and each of these switches count towards this.

Advanced features such as filters are not available within the app; however, they are available on

FitnessSyncer for Android will either sync your Samsung Health when you press the “Sync” button or automatically periodically if you are connected to Wi-Fi. To disable the Standard Syncs or change the requirement for Wi-Fi, you can navigate to the Settings tab and select Device Syncs here.

If you are having issues with the standard sync, please ensure that the Standard Synchronization are checked and that if you have elected to only sync over Wi-Fi that you are connected to Wi-Fi at the determined sync time. FitnessSyncer Pro users can schedule the periodic syncs by scheduling a Refresh Source Destination Task.

If you are having any issues with FitnessSyncer for Android, please make sure that you are using the latest version of FitnessSyncer for Android and Samsung Health.

Should you have any feedback or issues regarding the app, please do not hesitate to contact us.

FitnessSyncer for Android on Google Play

Can I add filters to Samsung Health sources or destinations?

Yes, you may add filters to Samsung Health sources and destinations, but you must do that on

Can I have multiple Samsung Health accounts?

No, FitnessSyncer for Android is intended to only support one source and one destination for each data type and Samsung Health account. If you require multiple accounts, please contact us for assistance.

I am receiving errors on my Samsung Phone when the device is off.

Samsung Galaxy phones optimize battery usage and turn off applications that run in the background. This can be an issue for applications like ours, which work in the background to synchronize while you are away. Fortunately, you can disable this by:

  • Go into the Android’s Settings
  • Select Device Maintenance
  • Select Battery
  • Select Battery Usage
  • Select Optimize Battery Usage
  • select All Apps
  • select FitnessSyncer
  • ensure that Battery Optimization is not enabled.

When I select a Data Type and accept the permissions, the checkbox turns off. Why?

Usually, this is because one or more of the required permissions were not accepted. The dialog that Samsung Health shows is scrollable and may have more permissions that you must toggle. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact us.

What about Samsung Health for IOS?

Sorry but Samsung has not yet provided a sustainable way for us to get to your data on IOS. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Is there a solution for Samsung Gear?

We do not have a native solution; however, Run4Gear does have an integration with FitnessSyncer.

I have downloaded my data from Samsung Health as a JSON file; how do I import it?

We do support the Samsung Health JSON file format at this time. Instead, we recommend that you use our native support within Samsung Health, which will yield better, more reliable results for you.

Does FitnessSyncer synchronize steps to Samsung Health?

Starting July 2020, Samsung Health does not allow any third-party applications to publish steps to the Samsung Health ecosystem; to manage step counts in Samsung Health, you must have a supported Samsung Health step counting device.