
  FitnessSyncer Your Best

FitnessSyncer Your Best

FitnessSyncer Your Best analyzes your health and fitness information and will show you the best (and sometimes worst) statistics found, including a breakdown per activity, per month, and per week.

Your Best works on all of the data in FitnessSyncer. Pro users can analyze any time period at any granularity, while non-Pro users are limited to the Year to Date and the last 3 months.

Each item displayed has links to get more information about the analysis, such as the exact activity or the calendar view.

Your Best is a great way to stay motivated, challenge yourself, and celebrate your accomplishments. Its a great input to make achievable and measurable goals that you can also track in FitnessSyncer.

Accessing Your Best in FitnessSyncer Apps

To access Your Best in FitnessSyncer for IOS and Android:

  • Navigate to the Dashboard
  • Go to the Options menu
  • Load the Your Best Dashboard you wish to review