Picking the right sport shoe depends on what type of activity you’re doing. But no matter which you choose — running shoes do wear down. Most experts agree that shoes should be replaced between 300-600 miles.
The FitnessSyncer ShoeRenew is a handy way to calculate the distance or duration of all the activities completed in your shoes or equipment. We will send you an e-mail notification when you cross the threshold that you customize — so your shoes or equipment continue to be comfortable and protect from injury.
FitnessSyncer ShoeRenew is not limited to shoes. Any equipment that needs regular renewing or maintenance can be easily tracked, such as bicycle tune-ups.
Want to use it for other things? We also have Alerts that can monitor any of your health and fitness metrics and alert you when you meet your goal, have a concerning metric, or haven’t exercised in a while.
To configure one of these tasks:
After your next sync, you can edit the ShoeRenew Task again to see a graph showing the approximate remaining lifetime. You will also see the same graph on our Dashboard. If you are a Pro user, you can also add the numerical values for the distance and percentage as a KPI.
To see the data that is being used for your ShoeRenew calculation, you can click the Download Sample CSV link on the editor page, which will download the up-to the last 4 months of data for this destination. This is a great way to test out filters.
If you are a user with multiple shoes or things you are tracking, and there is no clear way to filter, consider using tags. The easiest way to get started is from our Stream, select an item, go into edit mode and add a tag. Then in your ShoeRenew configuration, add a filter for that tag. Any time we see items with that tag, we will update the statistics.
On this page, the toolbar on existing tasks will contain these options: